A student inquiring information outside the campus gym
A student inquiring information outside the campus gym

Physical Education, Health and Recreation

4 Year Programs Icon Bachelor of Science Icon Presented by College of the Ozarks Icon

The objectives for the major emphases in health, physical education, and recreation are that students will:

  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of content within a chosen physical education departmental major or the Allied Health Science Interdisciplinary major (Academic)
  • Develop skills and a work ethic for application in the workplace through professional expertise Vocational)
  • Connect the professional study of human movement to God's design for mankind's stewardship of human, physical well-being (Christian)
  • Understand and appreciate the role of physical fitness and national preparedness in defense of country, as well as expressions of love and pride of one's country through international sport competition (Patriotic)
  • Appreciate the physical manifestation of movement within God's design as a form of creative expression (Cultural)

The department offers degree programs for students with a goal of teaching in secondary or elementary physical education. The department also offers degree programs for students who do not want to teach. A student may select an Exercise Science or Recreation Administration major within the Physical Education degree program. The department also offers a minor in Coaching.




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